Style: mine | Size: perfect

If you're a businessman you want your clients to view you as refined, tailored, polished. You have the expensive watch, the Armani suit, the Italian leather shoes. Shouldn't the same go for creatives? As an artist, you want people to view you as orginal, different, against the grain. Jeans of this nature are viewed by some (my parents) as rediculous; a waste. "You spent how much money for those jeans? They have holes in them!"
For those who are looking for the perfect, made-just-for-you pair of jeans, there's a company in (where else but) Canada called UJeans. Using 11 of your own body measurements, UJeans will create a perfect pair of jeans designed by you. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes and the jeans are only $110.00! (Pretty cheap for tailor-made denim)
UJeans will guarantee that the jeans you are about to buy will fit perfectly. If they don’t, simply return them within 30 days of your delivery and your money will be fully refunded. By the way, international orders are accepted!
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