Best Picture of the Year!

I have NEVER seen such amazing CGI before. What they have done is ground-breaking. There is no line between reality and fantasy. It's seemless and magnificant.
The children actors and actresses have successful careers ahead of them. Unbelievable performances.
Some people have said that the voice of Aslan was distracting, but I didn't find it to be. It wasn't who I thought it would be. I was surprised when I read the credits. Oh, be sure to stick around after the credits...there's a little more ;)
They actually stuck with the book and made so clearly the metaphor of Aslan and Christ. How can you NOT see the resemblance...there's also more forshadowing at the end that links back to it.
Part of it, the climactic battle scene, was filmed in New Zealand. The shots and scenery were amazing. I couldn't help think of The Lord of the Rings, though. I dunno...I think New Zealand is fast up and coming. Perhaps the next hollywood or epic films. It's definately becoming a Utopia for creatives, that's for sure. More on this later.
One thing that I had a hard time with was the little dwarf that was the witch's aid (he drives the sleigh) is a very familar umpa-loompa, so I kept thinking about that the whole time.
The movie is amazing. A bit scary in some places--I jumped a time or two; and emotional--I got a little misty at times. The winds of change are in the air. Make sure you see it opening weekend. We need more movies like this.
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