what's in a name?

Check out the histories of Glock, Häagen-Dazs and Kinko’s. And finally! One that made no sense is explained (sort of): eBay was originally supposed to be called Echo Bay. Here’s the Wikipedia blurb: “ ‘It just sounded cool,’ founder Pierre Omidyar reportedly said. When he tried to register EchoBay.com, though, he found that Echo Bay Mines, a gold mining company, had gotten it first. So, Omidyar registered what (at the time) he thought was the second best name: eBay.com.” I still don’t get why that’s the name of an online auction site, but whatever floats the guy’s boat.
Tobyyyyy!!! it's Rachel, your cousin! I FINALLY started using this thing, and will try to post daily. You've got a very interesting blog! I can't wait to read all of them, and I'll leave comments too! Tell Colleen I said hello! Miss you guys so much! :)
P.S. - just moved, will contact you with new info soon! Love you!
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