One Week Ago Today: Wednesday

We are getting an earlier start this morning than the last two days. We will see the Apple booth today and want to sit in on some tutorials. They are going to talk about podcasting, editing, and everything Apple. Uber exciting.
We get there and I cannot believe my eyes. I cannot describe it in words other than huge. They have a class room section where you can get hands on experience; another section that is four rows of 5 G5 computers with an Apple staff person there ready and able to take on any question; then an auditorium-style section with a stage and big screen where they give their presentations from. Unbelievable. Really.
Dustin and I sit there for three hours and never get out of our seats. (Seats are a luxury at a place like this--but even if we had to stand, we would have been still) We keep sucking all the oxygen out of the room everytime we are shown a short cut or a new way of doing something. We aren't alone though. That is nice.
Lunch is chips and guac at another "booth" from a vendor that we use here at the church. I have walnuts that my wife packed with me and a Diet Coke.
Booths of note are Apple and Adobe today. Again, it's hard to call them booths.
We leave at around 4:00 to get ready for dinner and to see Cirque du Solieil's new show KA. Dinner is Veal Ravioli with Crimini Mushrooms at Wolfgand Puck's Bar and Grill at MGM Grand right outside the KA theatre.
KA, an unprecedented new theatrical show, combines acrobatic performances, martial arts, puppetry, multimedia and pyrotechnics to illustrate the nature of duality. It's the epic saga of separated twins who embark on a perilous journey to fulfill their destinies. KA applies the visual vocabulary of cinema to a dazzling live event that is more about storytelling than any previous Cirque du Soleil production. I have never in my life seen anything more brilliant than KA. For the longest time, Cirque du Solieil has been all about human stunts and acrobatic wonders. Don't get me wrong, they are phenominal, but KA is the first show that technology and acrobatics are euqal. They have blended cinema and live theater seamlessly and defy gravity in every act. The mainstage rotates 360 degrees and also tilts 90 degrees. They have speakers in the seats, so you're in the center of the sound. Incredible. I seriously cannot put it in words how amazing this show is. They have captured magic and transport you to a world unlike any other.
I leave the show in a daze not believing everything I've seen. I buy the soundtrack and a program. This is the best day by far. We go back to the casino for some slots, but I'm done for the night.
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