Awesome VW Touareg Commercial

It's simple, but very complex. It's one more step in the 3D Animation style that is fast becoming in vogue. With other shows such as ABC's Desperate Housewives, and HBO's Carnivale using the same technique in their openings, it's a style that becoming more and more popular. (You can actually watch parts of the opening credits of Carnivale if you'd like. Try to look past the usage of tarot cards here and pay attention to the technicality of it all. It took them six months to make it.) You can view the VW spot now, it'll only take a few seconds.
HT Room 116.
Spiegel's Daily Take: Pentagon Bans Torture -- But Forgets to Define It
English Site > SPIEGEL Blog SPIEGEL'S DAILY TAKE Pentagon Bans Torture -- But Forgets to Define It The Pentagon on Tuesday released a new document full of guidelines on how prisoners should not be treated.
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