Sunday, September 04, 2005

No rules. Just right? I don't think so.

Imagine a place where rules didn't exist. To many, the idea of not having an authority figure sounds nice; come and go as you please, do what you want; you could get away with anything. William Golding thought of such a senario and chose to write about it in his book, The Lord of the Flies. It is a tale about a plane full of choir boys that crashes on a remote deserted island killing only the pilot and the choir master (the only two adults). What began as fun and games quickly turns into a primitive struggle for survival. Survival of the fittest.

The entire world got to see a real-life senario of this down in New Orleans. No cops, no one to force rule on anyone, no consequences. The result? Complete anarchy; looting, rape, killing, vandalism, suicide...the list goes on and on. People kept asking, "Where are the local police? Where are the firefighters?" They, just like every one else, were getting out of dodge. People who haven't been through hurricanes (growing up on the Gulf Cost, I've had my share) don't realize that when there's a mandatory evacuation, that EVERYONE leaves. The police don't stand on the streets in 160 mph winds.

This whole ordeal has brought to light the fact that we are born into sin. We are, by nature, sinful people. You have teach people morals and how to be good. You have to teach kids not to steal, not to lie, not to kill. Somehow, we already know how to do all that, but it's our upbringing that teaches us different, and it's only by the Grace of God that we stay there. When authority goes away it's interesting to see all those things give way to our sinful nature.

Ok, ok, enough on that...I could go on and on about all this (Lord knows there are plenty of blogs out there that do that) I just wanted to bring about a social psychology aspect to it. Read "Lord of the Flies". You'll love it.


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