Monday, November 20, 2006

Borat makes Jackass looks like a children's movie.

I've been on the blogosphere looking for other's reviews of the film "Borat", but none of the blogs I frequent have done so. I'm assuming it's one of two reasons: 1.) they haven't seen the film, or 2.) they HAVE seen it and are too ashamed to post anything about it...Am I right?

Well as ashamed as I am to have seen it, I'm not ashamed to post about it.

We all went into the theater excited and ready for a good hearty laugh. The trailer looked pretty funny, but it only showed the innocent stuff...The premise of the movie was this: a man named Borat has been commissioned by his country of Kazakhstan to make a documentary (a movie-film) about the United States of America (the US&A). Being an experienced journalists over in Kazakhstan he's ready for the challenge and brings with him a camera crew and a rather heavy-set friend who is the films producer/assistant. By the end of the film, you've seen WAY too much of these guys.

Almost right from the beginning the vulgarity begins. He plays it off as a "cultural difference", but what comes out is just down-right wrong. He pushes the envelope at every turn and holds nothing back. No one is safe from being made fun of. The kicker is he gets other people to agree with him! There's one scene where he's at a rodeo and talks with an older man about gays and how they should be destroyed...and then there are the Jew jokes.

Only AFTER I saw the movie did I see the tiny type that read, "Rate R: Pervasive, Strong Crude & Sexual Content. Including Graphic (male) Nudity and Language." Hmmm, THAT would have been nice to know before I saw it.

So, the reason for this post: not to say you shouldn't see can make your own decisions, but to make you more informed about just how crude this film was. Yes, it had its funny moments, but if it makes a group of guys blush and uncomfortable, then was taken a little too far.


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